
Remanufacturing Awareness Day

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CeeD in conjunction with the Scottish Institute for Remanufacture and Zero Waste Scotland will deliver this hands-on event designed to increase understanding of what is meant by remanufacturing and about design for remanufacture. Participants will learn how to define and differentiate what is meant by remanufacturing from repair and reconditioning and why this is important. Activities will involve brainstorming, group work involving practical disassembly and analysis and product redesign.

“What I want to do is run a workshop aimed at getting folk to understand the product features and characteristics that hinder and assist remanufacturing and thus how products should be designed to enable remanufacturing at end of life” – Professor Winifred Ijomah, Technical Director, SIR.

This event is intended for small & medium sized companies (SMEs) involved in manufacturing and engineering.

Following the session, participants should be able to:

  • Differentiate what is meant by remanufacture from related processes such as repair and reconditioning;
  • Understand the factors that hinder and assist remanufacturing;
  • Identify whether a product can be remanufactured;
  • Identify whether a product should be remanufactured based on potential economic and or environmental impacts;
  • Understand how a product’s design and remanufacturing methods should be altered to enhance its potential for remanufacturing.

This session will be led by Professor Winifred Ijomah, Department for Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management, (DMEM) and Technical Director, Scottish Institute for Remanufacture (SIR). The SIR is a pan-Scotland expertise hub for remanufacture hosted by the University of Strathclyde.

Learn more and register here