
Sustainability Institute Workshop: Net Zero

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The Sustainability Institute are running a second cross-cutting theme workshop to define the focus of the new Binks Institute for Sustainability on NetZero.

The term Net Zero means achieving a balance between the Carbon/Green Houses Gases (GHG) emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon removed from it. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed. The UK Government has set a legislative target of achieving Net Zero by 2050. This will mean fundamental changes to the way we live and in particular how energy is generated, transported, and used in all aspects of UK living/businesses.

The Net Zero cross cutting theme focuses on meeting the UK and Scottish Government NetZero policies and achieving the targets, engaging with the priority industries and bringing expertise from across 4 themes (Food, Feed & Fibre; Natural Resources – Energy & Water; Engineering Sustainability; Sustainable Design & Futures Thinking) together to address some of the challenges which need to be overcome.

The workshop will provide an overview of the policy environment and funding landscape including a specific focus on the EPSRC Engineering NetZero priority, presented by Janette Wark, EPSRC Regional Engagement Manager Scotland. It will also consider the contribution the Binks Institute can make to the Dundee Climate Leadership Group and the University’s Climate Action Planning Group.

Participants will be asked to speak briefly about their research interests in relation to sustainability and NetZero. The Institute are looking for a wide range of disciplines and perspectives to guide the direction of the Institute under this cross cutting theme.