The 50th anniversary of SPE Offshore Europe takes place between 5-8 September 2023 at the P&J Live Aberdeen, to secure sustainable and equitable energy for the next 50 years and beyond.

If you are ready to connect with the Offshore Energy industry, network with brands across the entire value chain to find the latest innovations and developments within the industry and discover cutting-edge insights and trends attend the SPE conference designed around the four key themes of Energy Security, Energy Transition, Innovative Technology and Future Talent.
Reconnect with the industry to explore the evolving nature of the energy industry.

To find out more and to register visit SPE Offshore Europe

Sign up for a day of inspiration, insights, learning and networking. Supply chain resilience, industry 4.0 technologies, leadership & culture, operational excellence and sustainability will all be covered. Find out how the manufacturing sector responded to a global pandemic, how it can recover and how we will reimagine the future.

The conference, previously known as the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS) National Manufacturing Conference, will arm manufacturing sector and supply chain businesses with the ambition, vision, knowledge, tools and networks to increase productivity and maintain future competitiveness.

Making Scotland’s Future is a partnership between Scottish Government, public agencies, industry and academia that are collectively taking forward a programme of activity designed to secure a strong, sustainable future for Scotland’s manufacturing sector, aligned to the Scottish Government’s ambitions in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation. The power of Making Scotland’s Future lies in harnessing all of its collective networks, channels and support to help drive productivity, innovation and competitiveness, maintain and create high-quality jobs, and attract and develop talent, while embedding low carbon and sustainable manufacturing as its core. The vision is for Scotland to be a country inventing, designing, developing and manufacturing world-leading products and technologies. Through continuing support and investment, we are making Scotland’s future today.

The Making Scotland’s Future Conference is being led by Scottish Enterprise on behalf of the Making Scotland’s Future partnership.

Interface are exhibiting and we’d love to see you there!

Subsea Expo is the world’s leading annual subsea exhibition and conference, held annually at P&J Live in Aberdeen, and also includes the industry’s prestigious awards ceremony, the Subsea Expo Awards.

The exhibition and conference are completely free to attend.

The exhibition is a quality-focused event showcasing the capabilities, innovations and cutting-edge technologies of the underwater sectors, with over 185 exhibitors and 6,500 delegates attending the latest show.

The conference runs multiple parallel sessions and attracts a broad range of experts to discuss the challenges facing the industry, new and transformational technologies, digitalisation, clean energy and the path to net zero, among other topics.

The Subsea Expo Awards dinner is an opportunity to join friends, colleagues and peers in celebrating the accomplishments of the industry’s standout individuals and companies and is held at P&J Live in Aberdeen.

Subsea Expo is organised by the Global Underwater Hub.

This event will showcase the value of partnering with the University of Aberdeen to support innovation. It will raise awareness of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme, which offers companies funded opportunities to collaborate with the University to achieve their business ambitions. Featuring case studies from successful projects where academia and industry have worked together to solve challenges, the event will include presentations, a networking session, and opportunities to further explore research expertise.


Entergaia Technologies located in Aberdeen, Scotland is a holding company for value creating entities in the areas of energy technology and AI and Analytical software development. Entergaia Technologies aims to push the boundaries of innovation and technology.

Formed in 2018, Entergaia Technologies were looking to develop a long-range wireless power transfer (WPT) solution that would result in the creation of a new portfolio focusing on long range wireless power transfer.

Wireless power transfer (WPT), wireless power transmission, wireless energy transmission (WET), or electromagnetic power transfer is the transmission of electrical energy without wires as a physical link. The technology of wireless power transmission can eliminate the use of the wires and batteries, thus increasing the mobility, convenience, and safety of an electronic device for all users. Wireless power transfer is useful to power electrical devices where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or are not possible.

The Challenge

The manufacturing process of electrical wire, steel and batteries emit enormous greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Entergaia Technologies wanted to develop a Wireless Power Transfer System (WPT) that demonstrated the long-range transmission of electrical power which could gradually reduce the use of steel wires and reduce the number of batteries used in storing electricity, which would in turn, reduce greenhouse emission and improve environmental sustainability. There was evidence to suggest that Entergaia’s WPT model worked but only over short distances.

Entergaia Technologies required assistance from an academic institution to investigate potentially three projects. Initially a proof of concept to look at the notion of beaming electricity from the point of production to the point of utilisation without electrical cables or batteries, followed by testing of such a model and then the development of a demonstrator.

The Solution

Entergaia Technologies with assistance from Dr Peng Li of the University of Aberdeen aimed to develop a Wireless Power Transfer System (WPT) that demonstrated the long-range transmission of electrical power. The solution would gradually reduce the use of steel wires and reduce the number of batteries used in storing electricity, which would in turn, reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere through the production of steel cables and batteries.

During the initial phase, the application focussed on the possibility of a long-range wireless-powered electric vehicle charging system that was beyond any current near field deployments in existence. Subsequently simulations showed that long range transfer of electrical power is possible.

The work also established the possibility of electromagnetic beam tracking and directioning – which means tracking the transmitted electrical energy in motion. The beam technology would help in future developments of a wireless power charging solution that is mobile and semi-autonomous, enabling charging of electric vehicles in motion or beaming electrical energy from space, where there are no energy losses due to positional changes.

This phase also identified areas of the components analysed that require significant improvement and showed the possibility to combine some technologies to help future prototyping and product development. The understanding derived from this work would be beneficial for Entergaia’s future strategy in deploying associated products such as beaming electricity from space, wireless electricity deployment during emergencies, beaming wireless electricity to charge robots, IOT devices and remote vehicles (ROVs).

The Future

The result from the initial collaboration with the University of Aberdeen showed that although it was possible to develop a Wireless Power Transfer System (WPT) that demonstrated the long-range transmission of electrical power there was the need to increase power efficiency received at the receiving end that would eventually charge the battery. Entergaia Technologies’ focus then turned to optimising the receiving end that charges the battery – a rectenna, to enable effective conversion of the microwave radiation received, to electrical energy, and loading the charge effectively onto the battery or other alternative storage.

Entergaia Technologies secured an Advanced Innovation Voucher through Interface and partnered with Edinburgh Napier University who are producing an optimised prototype that improves power efficiency.

The Benefits

Development Partners Day is a business development networking event with Cohort5 as part of the TechX Clean Energy Accelerator. The event is an opportunity for local suppliers and entrepreneurial ecosystem support organisations to connect with and promote their services to the Pioneer companies taking part in the accelerator programme.

TechX’s Clean Energy Accelerator is an intensive 15-week programme for 12 innovative clean energy start-ups with clear potential to significantly accelerate the transition to an affordable net zero energy industry. Those selected get access to funding, expert support, mentorship, industry connections and resources. Close links to the offshore renewables industry, the nascent clean hydrogen and alternative fuels industry, and North Sea oil and gas industry offer start-us a fantastic opportunity to develop their business

During the event up to twelve start-up teams will be taking part and speaking with partners on how they can support the development of the founders technology or business.

Interface will be exhibiting and participating in this event advising on the services we can offer.

For more information go here

Venue: APEX City Quay Hotel, Dundee

The Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards, sponsored by Salix Finance, is the flagship event that celebrates the partnerships between business, third sector or public sector organisations and academia. Now in its eighth year the annual event recognises, rewards, and celebrates the impacts achieved through these exciting collaborations that enrich society and support sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

To discover more about the categories, and how to apply visit our recent article. Read More.


RIGOCAL (which stands for “RIGOrous CALculation”) provides civil engineering, surveying and marine mammal observation services for energy, construction and offshore industries.

The guideline for offshore piling in the UK Continental Shelf, set by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), requires that JNCC certified Marine Mammals Observers (MMO) should monitor the presence of marine mammals within a mitigation zone around the source of noise during pile driving for offshore wind construction.  The most popular way to do this is by using binoculars with the data being recorded manually by MMOs. This method faces criticism because it does not have a wide view of the area (360 degrees) and it can only be done in good visibility (daylight) with good sea conditions.

RIGOCAL is architecting the best way to use infrared (IR) cameras to detect marine mammals when they approach the sea surface in the vicinity of offshore structures under construction. Their novel concept combines machine learning with Infrared and High Definition videos to automatically detect and classify marine mammals.


The company was looking to do a feasibility study into the development of an algorithm for the automatic extraction of marine mammals (seals, dolphins, whales, porpoises) in video images from thermally detected radiations (infrared camera) and high definition images (RGB camera).


Scottish Enterprise referred RIGOCAL on to Interface, who then put the company in contact with the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) at the University of Edinburgh as they have expertise in advanced data analytics and image recognition capability based on the utilisation of machine learning technologies.  In collaborating on this project, EPCC were able to make use of its specialist facilities – namely its High-Performance Computing and Data Infrastructure located within the University.

The feasibility study was funded by a Scottish Funding Council Innovation Voucher.


Company Benefits

EPCC closed a gap in RIGOCAL’s technical and resource capabilities for developing a machine-learning algorithm to analyse data in real-time. This innovation will change the way traditional marine mammal observation is conducted providing more accurate and consistent service at a lower cost.

The RIGOCAL approach allows a 360-degree view of the area. This approach is also innovative in that marine mammal detection will be made possible during the night and in poor visibility because of the advanced IR sensor. This will allow pile driving to start even in low visibility, especially night time, which will enable the offshore piling construction companies to operate 24/7.

As a result, RIGOCAL’s new service will contribute to reducing total operation hours, therefore cost.  Cost reduction during the construction phase will lead to total cost reduction in offshore wind development, helping the industry to achieve the UK government’s goal of driving down the levelised cost of electricity.

The technology applied for this specific environmental issue will also open up new opportunities, not only from additional environmental perspectives – such as protecting birds against collision with the blades of wind turbines, and leak detection from oil pipelines – it will also save human life in the sea by allowing automatic detection of castaways.

Academic Benefits

EPCC will benefit from:

(1) increased capability in the application of advanced data analytics and machine learning,

(2) an opportunity to grow its target market across the marine/energy space, and

(3) strengthening its position as a sustainable centre collaborating with industry.

Follow-on Activity

The company has recently secured OGIC (Oil and Gas Innovation Centre) funding as well as further funding from the DataLab, which is to be used in conjunction with the OGIC funding.

Please note that Interface administers the Innovation Voucher Scheme on behalf of the Scottish Funding Council. All funding applications are reviewed on a case by case basis by the Scottish Funding Council, guidelines can be found here.


Yekemi Otaru (founder of YO! Marketing, now merged with Doqaru Ltd) had an innovative idea to use machine learning to identify the marketing activities that generate the greatest impact on business growth. This would result in a world’s first machine-learning marketing algorithm. This was created with collaboration from cyber-security and machine-learning experts from Abertay University.


Conducting marketing activities can be a constant challenge for many businesses that are time-constrained, have limited resources, little marketing expertise and a budget that only goes so far. Yekemi’s idea was to design an intelligent solution, based on a data model, of using a machine learning algorithm to identify the marketing activities that generate the greatest impact on business growth.

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides computers with the ability to automatically learn over time without being explicitly programmed. Machine Learning had not previously been used by Marketing companies in this way. 

Yekemi approached Interface to help her find the necessary academic expertise in Machine Learning, Dataset Modelling and Data Mining to solve this challenge.


After conducting a search across various universities, Interface matched the entrpreneur with Dr Xavier Bellekens, Assistant Professor and Lecturer at Abertay University within the Division of Cyber-Security, where he leads the Machine Learning Research Group. Dr Bellekens was a perfect match for this project as he has a strong interest and extensive expertise in this field.

Abertay University offers extensive expertise in big and small data analytics, machine-learning, critical infrastructure protection, and the Internet of Things (IoT), both on security and the development side.

This collaborative project was set up to develop the intelligence behind Yekemi’s prototype (GO YO), an integrated online platform for marketing purposes.

The project was split into two parts: the first activity was the development of a dataset used to train the algorithm to predict the best routes to create impacts for a business. The second was the evaluation of the algorithm, ultimately leading to a highly intelligent platform that learns with time, taking into consideration the product lifecycle, giving tailored advice and helping businesses to manage the performance of their products in the marketplace, informing action plans and marketing strategies.

Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves. It is based on learning by example, finding the right algorithm for the task and obtaining accurate results. This is a challenging task which can be achieved only through the assessment and research process.

This project was funded through a Scottish Funding Council Innovation Voucher, administered by Interface.

Business benefits

This project provided the former YO! Marketing with a world’s first machine learning marketing algorithm, setting the business apart from other marketing companies in the marketplace, making the decision-making process easier for business owners with limited marketing experience.​ 

Academic benefits

Economic benefits

Yekemi Otaru’s aim with this project was to help businesses with limited marketing expertise grow their business with advisory, planning and performance planning without the large cost outlay of trying multiple marketing techniques. 
YO! Marketing has now merged with Doqaru Ltd.

Please note that Interface administers the Innovation Voucher Scheme on behalf of the Scottish Funding Council. All funding applications are reviewed on a case by case basis by the Scottish Funding Council, guidelines can be found here.