Sign up for a day of inspiration, insights, learning and networking. Supply chain resilience, industry 4.0 technologies, leadership & culture, operational excellence and sustainability will all be covered. Find out how the manufacturing sector responded to a global pandemic, how it can recover and how we will reimagine the future.

The conference, previously known as the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS) National Manufacturing Conference, will arm manufacturing sector and supply chain businesses with the ambition, vision, knowledge, tools and networks to increase productivity and maintain future competitiveness.

Making Scotland’s Future is a partnership between Scottish Government, public agencies, industry and academia that are collectively taking forward a programme of activity designed to secure a strong, sustainable future for Scotland’s manufacturing sector, aligned to the Scottish Government’s ambitions in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation. The power of Making Scotland’s Future lies in harnessing all of its collective networks, channels and support to help drive productivity, innovation and competitiveness, maintain and create high-quality jobs, and attract and develop talent, while embedding low carbon and sustainable manufacturing as its core. The vision is for Scotland to be a country inventing, designing, developing and manufacturing world-leading products and technologies. Through continuing support and investment, we are making Scotland’s future today.

The Making Scotland’s Future Conference is being led by Scottish Enterprise on behalf of the Making Scotland’s Future partnership.

Interface are exhibiting and we’d love to see you there!

This is a collaborative event for everyone interested in engaging in health and life sciences innovation in the Highlands and Islands. Hosted by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, NHS Highland and the University of the Highlands and Islands at the new Life Sciences Innovation Centre on the Inverness Campus.

This event will highlight mechanisms and routes for growing health innovation opportunities throughout the Highlands and Islands. This includes regional expertise, infrastructure, funding and services available within HIE, NHS Highland, and UHI, as well as through relevant regional and national partner organisations.

This event is open to all involved parties in health science (including in MedTech and Digital Health) such as entrepreneurs and third sector organisation interested in health product and service development, evaluation and assessment, as well as implementation for clinical and/or commercial benefit. NHS staff from outside Highland are welcome along with anyone in the health and social care sector.

Join Highland and Islands Enterprise for a networking event with guest speakers Paul Easto of Wilderness Scotland and Clare Campbell of Prickly Thistle. They will discuss how they’ve grown their businesses from inception to expansion, along with the highs and lows of getting to where they are.

Experts from Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Business Gateway, Inverness Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Small Business will be on hand to explain the different forms of support they offer.

Come along and explore what the possibilities are for your business.

Refreshments will be served and the event will be live streamed.

With digital increasingly driving transformative new national and international opportunities for the creative and heritage sectors across the Highlands and Islands, Shared Perspectives offers a thought-provoking one day conference exploring what this could mean for your business, project, organisation or network.

Delivered by XpoNorth Digital, this free event will take a practical look at how digital technologies are unlocking ambitious new areas for regional businesses. It will also offer a platform for creative and heritage networks to meet with other sectors, make new connections and discuss collaborative approaches to shared challenges and opportunities.

Hear from a range of inspirational speakers and take part in workshop sessions on how digital storytelling can drive key parts of your business, regional impact and opportunities around the use of AI, crowdsourcing for the heritage sector and how creativity can power rural economies. There will also be an opportunity to meet 1-2-1 with XpoNorth Digital’s specialist advisors, HIE’s Creative Industries team and members of local development networks.

One-to-one sessions are now available to book on the day with our XpoNorth Digital Sector Specialists:

-Jessica Fox, Screen and Broadcast Specialist Advisor

-Nicola Henderson, Heritage Specialist Advisor

-Tim Wright, Digital Specialist Advisor

Email to secure your space!

Produced as a hybrid event, attendees can connect with the programme in-person or online.

The Open University in Scotland, in partnership with Moray Chamber of Commerce and Visit Moray Speyside BID, invite you to an informative Skills for Business Roadshow.

This is the perfect opportunity for employers to gain valuable insights and learn about the fantastic training available. We can also share with you the funding opportunities that you could utilise to develop your skills and that of your employees.

Upskilling and reskilling is available at little to no cost for both individuals and businesses.

We cannot wait to welcome you to one of these events and share with you all the incredible opportunities available to help your business thrive.

The Moray Business Showcase – a business to business exhibition gives you the opportunity to make new business connections and gives your business the perfect platform to sell itself.

2023 is the first year in three years that there are no restrictions upon us, and people are ready to get back out to connect with a bang.

Local businesses will have the opportunity to showcase themselves at the great venue that is Moray Sports Centre on Wednesday 7th June.

Whether you want to work with local businesses for procurement, recruitment, business services such as legal, accountancy or even stationery supplies, (this list really is endless!) then the Moray Business Showcase provides you the opportunity to grow your network.

Interface will be exhibiting at the event so come along and meet Carol-Ann Adams to find out how Interface can connect your business with the most relevant skill or expertise from Scotland’s universities and research institutions to help your organisation create and improve products, streamline services and develop processes to drive business growth.

The event is free to attend.

Reformulating means looking at changes to your manufacturing process in order to respond to changing market conditions.  This could be with the aim of keeping your costs down or reduce the process, or it could be about repositioning in a new, more profitable market segment.

Earlier in February Allene Bruce from New Nutrition Business, the world’s number one provider of strategic and market insights into the business of food nutrition and health led a webinar, which explored ways to remain competitively priced during the cost of living crisis.

This follow-up webinar on 23 February, will focus on the support available from HIE and partners Interface, SAC Consulting and the Food and Drink Federation Scotland (FDFS). Hear from Carol-Ann Adams from Interface, Alastair Trail from SAC Consulting and Joanne Burns from FDFS about the help on hand.

Local communities are leading the change to help shape an economy that works for people, places and planet, and Moray is no exception.

With focus and urgency, communities are showing that it is possible to take practical action, to continue to shift to new ways of doing things, and ensuring, that along that way, it is truly, a just transition.

As Moray’s Local Action Group develops a new vision for community led local development, the time is also right, for communities to come together to shape this vision and how it is rolled out in Moray.

Join tsiMoray, with a panel of changemakers at Join the Dots this year, to:

Deepen our learning and take inspiration from others so that we can continue to take practical action where we live and drive forward this place-based change.

Explore how community led local development can accelerate the move to a Wellbeing Economy through a just transition.

Inform and inspire a Community Led Vision for Moray.

This event will bring together a number of different funding bodies to discuss how they can support innovators, and is aimed at sole traders, micro-organisations, small and medium-sized businesses, academia and wider industry. The event is hosted by the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) at their SAMS campus in Dunbeg, Oban.

The funding bodies’ presentations will include:
