
Abertay University

10th October 2022

Abertay University is right at the heart of Dundee. The heart of the University lies in Bell Street, with most teaching and learning facilities, offices, research centres and the Library all within just a few yards of each other.

Abertay isn’t just a great place to be a student – the University is also home to world-leading research teams, whose discoveries are hailed internationally. We are Scotland’s leading university for environmental science research, with leading-edge initiatives such as the Urban Water Technology Centre developing innovative new drainage and pollution-control technology.

Abertay researchers are also studying issues as varied as innovative visualisation of complex datasets, policing and security research including witness analysis, face identity and money laundering, the study of regional and national economic analysis and accountancy as related to the oil and gas industry, food and nutrition science, sports and health science, psychology, computer arts and digital media, and many other topics. Visit the Research and Business pages on Abertay’s website for more details.

Apart from getting on with the business of teaching, many of the staff are either actively involved in research or work with industry. All of our researchers are involved in teaching and developing courses – giving our students the chance to learn from world leaders every day.