Team Members

Amelia Whitelaw

Amelia Whitelaw, Director, Interface

Meet Amelia Whitelaw, Interface’s Director. She joins the team with a wealth of experience, previously working as the Executive Director of the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development at London Business School (LBS).  The Wheeler Institute seeks to apply business expertise and research to social and economic challenges in developing countries.  Amelia brings to her leadership position success with leading academic institutions in developing, promoting and implementing multi-organisational and international collaborative programmes.

Amelia, in her roles at LBS, as the former Executive Director of Global Outreach and Director Global Experiences, leveraged the School’s work and networks to increase the profile of the School, to generate interest in degree programmes, and to create unique learning experiences.  In collaboration with faculty, senior alumni and business leaders, Amelia established the experiential learning programme that allowed students practical application in live settings, the contextualisation of business knowledge and experience, and increased exposure to developing countries and micro trends. Prior to joining LBS, she provided the vice chancellor and other senior executives of The Australian National University (ANU) with strategic, operational and policy support in developing its international programme.  Amelia was also representing the ANU on the east coast of the US and developed the management framework for the secretariat of the International Alliance of Research Universities.  This alliance has been highly productive in developing a portfolio of global summer programmes for students, strong research programmes and improving benchmarking across institutions.

Amelia graduated from The University of Edinburgh Business School with a MBA with distinction, and holds a Bachelor of Arts.