Team Members

Lorraine Thomson

Lorraine joined Interface from VisitScotland where she worked for 25 years. With experience as their London Office Manager, 16 years as Operations Manager for their world renowned Quality Assurance Schemes and latterly working within EventScotland on Year of Food and Drink; Lorraine brings a wealth of Tourism and Food & Drink experience to the Interface Highlands and Islands Team.

Lorraine aims to spread the word about Interface more widely across the H&I, showing how we can help businesses achieve their ambitions no matter the size or scope. Interface can open up a whole new world of possibilities by introducing business owners to resources they never knew were available to them. Lorraine works to help businesses understand that Interface can save them  time, money and effort by matching them to the right expertise across Scotland’s renowned universities and colleges.

In short, if you’ve got an idea, give it a kick-start by getting academics to do the research and development work for you!

Where we’re located

Lorraine and the Interface H&I team are based at An Lochran, the fabulous Enterprise and Research Centre in Inverness where Highlands and Islands Enterprise is co-located with key research and education departments from the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and research and consultancy divisions from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).