Standard Innovation Vouchers

The Standard Innovation Voucher scheme encourages new collaborations between a Scottish organisation and a university or college.
It aims to make collaborative work accessible to all Small to Medium-sized Enterprise’s (SME’s), sole traders, social enterprises and third sector organisations and is open to applications from all industry sectors.
Delivered in partnership with the Scottish Funding Council, the voucher offers between £1,000 and up to £7,500 to cover the academic project costs and is paid directly to the university or college. The organisation must contribute a matching in kind value, such as staff time, materials, equipment or a combination of both.
There are two types of Standard Innovation Voucher:
- Product/Process/Service Innovation Voucher: to support the development of a new product, process, or service for their company.
- Workplace Innovation Voucher: to develop the company’s internal workforce, including new or enhanced workplace processes, innovative workplace practices, or innovative business expertise. This does not include staff CPD or to finance any external training courses.
How to Apply
The application form must be completed by both the academic and SME partners. All applications must be completed through the Interface Partner Portal which is managed by your university or college partner. Contact us if you do not have an academic partner or if you have any questions on the scheme:
Please read this overview of the Standard Innovation Voucher process: Standard Innovation Voucher Supporting Information
Access the Interface Partner Portal
Further Information
- Glossary of Terms – Description of terminology used within the form.
- Interface Partner Portal Guide – A simple guide on how to use the Interface Partner Portal
- Standard Innovation Voucher Legal Agreement – The template legal agreement used by the collaborative organisation and university or college. Please note this is a condition of accepting the voucher award and the terms of this agreement are not subject to any amendment.
– Standard Innovation Voucher Legal Agreement (in-kind only)
– Standard Innovation Voucher Legal Agreement (in cash & in-kind)
- Staff Costs: Sample Timesheet – Document that may be used by the academic as an aide-memoir to record their Project Costs. Does not require to be submitted to the panel.
- Pre-Submission Information – Please complete if you have a query over eligibility i.e., Sole Traders/Partnerships/Companies with English registration etc.
- Project Change Request Form – Complete this form if there has been a delay or change to the project and await approval.
- Example Application Form – An example of the Standard Innovation Voucher application form